Quickly: Blogs that I read

A Dress A Day and Dictionary Evangelist
Dictionary editor Erin McKean gave a talk at eBay several months ago and I started reading her blogs immediately afterwards. I don't make dresses or know anything about dress patterns, but I do like her writing, and she does update regularly. Check out "The Secret Lives of Dresses" on her dressaday site. I read these every day.

The Brothers Brick
This is a photo blog of LEGO MOCs (original creations). LEGO fans like acronyms, despite the fact that LEGO itself is not one. Worth checking up on.

Bad Astronomy
Bad Astronomy is a great blog–when Phil is writing about Astronomy. He has a knack for finding and explaining beautiful pictures. I get at least one new desktop background a week from this site. He does spend a fair amount of time talking about politics and creationism, which puts a lot of readers off, and I'll admit that I skim or skip those posts. But there is a lot of great astronomy content here.

Worse than Failure
The Daily WTF became "Worse than Failure" some time ago. It is an amusing read, but it is probably most amusing if you work in the software industry, and perhaps is not amusing at all if you have little or no exposure to programming. Still, there is a lot of WTF in bureaucracy, so a knowledge of Python is not necessary.